Dark Sight

What is Dark Sight?

Every Hunter can use Dark Sight, a power which pierces the veil between worlds and allows them to see echoes of other worlds in our own. Dark Sight is a Hunter's primary tool for looking for Clues or Rifts. When using Dark Sight, you will be able to see a blue, hazy mist that indicates the location of a Clue. The larger the cloud of mist, the closer you are to the Clue. When you come within range of a Clue, the mist becomes brighter and emits an eerie sound. Dark Sight can also be used to track Hunters carrying a Bounty Token in the Bounty Hunt mode. These Hunters are marked by supernatural lightning strikes which give away their rough position.

Dark Sight Boost

While holding the Bounty Token, you also gain Dark Sight Boost. Dark Sight Boost allows you to use Dark Sight to see the approximate location of other players within 150m even if they are behind a wall or other objects. Dark Sight Boost can only be used for a short duration, so be careful how you use it

Dark Sight Instinct

While holding the Bounty Token, in addition to Dark Sight Boost, you also gain Dark Sight Instinct. While in Dark Sight, you will be informed if an enemy hunter is within 75m as the edges of your vision will glow. The range of Instinct is smaller than Boost.