The Book of Weapons

Berthier Mle 1892

Berthier Mle 1892. (See also, CARBINES, BOLT-ACTION) The Berthier Mle 1892 is a bolt-action rifle that was the French's alternative to the Lebel 1886. Known as a mousqueton, this smokeless powder gun was a lightweight option designed for easy handling for both rear infantry and cavalry troops that used an en-bloc clip. This allowed both the cartridge and the three-bullet clip to be loaded into the carbine for quick reloads and convenient ammo storage ready for a firefight. The Berthier, interestingly, was designed by a French engineer for the French Algerian Railways.

Journal of Jed Owenthal
Lightly worn, red leather 4.25" x 8.25"
May 2nd, 1895

God truly blessed me with one fantastic woman. The day Annalise hauled off and punched me for making a ruckus in her bar was the day I fell in love, and no arrow from cupid could be as effective

For my birthday today, my wife gave me two wonderful gifts. The first was a new rifle. Light little thing that'll get the job done and brand new from the factory. But it confused me; I'm a shotgun man through and through and will use my brass knuckles if I'm in a real scrape. I asked my Annalise why she gave me this gun and she presented me with her second gift: She went to the doctor today and confirmed that she s with child. Said that she wanted me to keep my distance when I'm out hunting to make sure I'd be around to be a father. Boy, when I tell you I wrapped her in the biggest hug and spun in the air I ain't joking. My Anna keeps making me the happiest man alive.

June 13th, 1895

My Anna and the babe are doing well. Anna's belly is as big as a melon now and she s had to let her little siblings take over the bar. She hates being stuck at home, my Anna was always a woman of action, but I told her if I needed to be safe out hunting, she needed to be safe at home. She relented and is keeping herself busy with making clothes for the baby.

There is one concerning thing: She's been eating everything in sight since the end of May. Anna keeps saying she craves something, but no matter what she eats it doesn't satisfy either of them. At this point she may even eat us out of house and home to find it, but whatever my Anna and the baby want I'll get.

Journal of Jed Owenthal
Lightly worn, red leather 4.25" x 8.25"
June 30th, 1895

Came back from hunting pretty beaten up today. Was trying my best to make this a clean run but a pack of damn hounds got in close and caught me off guard. Felt like an eternity just keeping them at bay long enough to shoot them and by the end of it me and my rifle were so covered in entrails I still came home covered in the stuff.

I tried to sneak into the house and run to the bath before Anna could see me. Her nose has been sensitive with the pregnancy, and I didn't want to upset her. But she cornered me immediately and asked me what the smell was. Not to brag, but my Anna looks at me with eyes of desire all the time. But today was different, she was gnawing at her bottom lip like I was a three-course meal. I told her about the run in with the dogs and I saw the cogs turn in her head.

She asked me to bring a dog back when I went to hunt.

July 10th, 1895

I've never seen my Anna so happy.

The first time I brought back a hound for her it was only a hind leg, couldn't fit much else in my satchel. I had to stop her from eating the thing raw right then and there. She made quick work of cooking it and the look on her face when she took a bite was nothing short of ecstasy. Damn near swallowed the thing whole in seconds before asking for more. I've made sure to always get a hound while I'm out there, a whole one can last her a few days before another is ready.

I can't help but worry, damn things are always filled with maggots and smell like hell, but she loves the stuff. Every time she finishes a plate, she gives me a sweet kiss that smells like death and tells me that her and the baby are happy. I think it's true, whenever I touch her stomach the baby kicks and bites at my hand in response and she says it's a great sign. But sometimes I see her slowly chew on the maggots when she thinks I'm not looking, and I worry. I don't think she tells the doctor what she's eating, but they both seem fine and I'm not going to take her joy away from her. Whatever my Anna and the baby want I'll get.