The Book of Weapons

Winfield M1873C Vandal Deadeye

WINFIELD M1873C VANDAL DEADEYE (See also: WINFIELD M1873C VANDAL, RIFLES) bears an attached scope, enhancing its ranged capabilities. This increases the weapon's competency at medium range, enabling the target to be sighted, then brought down with rapid fire shots

Letter, Gus Leroux
Handwritten, 8.5 x 14 in.

Perhaps I was drawn back to the bayou by the realization that I was still flesh and blood. Perhaps, I - like the ghost I felt I had become - was unable to truly depart until some matter was resolved. It didn't take long for the Irish Woman to find me, for she could commune with the unliving, and surely I belonged to their numbers.

For my last stand, I chose a barn with a hundred points to shoot from. To its rear was a vast pond in which something dwelt, something I witnessed dragging all manner of creatures beneath the bracken surface. To the fore lay a field which I burned, and then illuminated with electric lights. Downstairs, a generator hummed. There was enough fuel to run it for three nights. I'd affixed a short scope to the Winfield, which allowed me clear vision across the area. I paced the barn until I could walk it with my eyes closed and not make a sound.

She had sent three after me. Through the night, we dueled from the distant tree line to the barn. With my good eye, I was just able to catch the glint of their barrels. I think by dawn two of them were dead. The standoff ended then.

At noon, the Irish woman herself stepped from the tree line, her shock of white hair concealed under a wide hat, carrying a wooden case. Watching her through the scope, she seemed wryly amused. I waited for her to call out, but instead she just set the box down and left. She returned to the tree line, and then turned. My eyes flicked nervously back to the box, expecting it to explode. When I looked back, half a second later, she was gone

When dusk fell, I judged the light reduced enough to risk checking the case. Lighter than imagined, it was engraved with the letters "A.H.A."I mulled for a long time over whether I would open it, and eventually curiosity overcame me. Inside, a letter. I scanned it briefly.

"After the efforts we had gone to secure him, the death of your father was most inconvenient for us. But revenge would be an over-commitment of our limited resources. Instead, we offer you a token of peace, in the hopes it will better help you settle your debt. Now you may find yourself in ours."



Alongside the letter was a beautiful prosthetic arm. I turned it over in the light, I'd never seen such craftsmanship, such attention to detail! I put it on, and, turning it over, saw written in tiny letters the word "Phantom."