The Book of Weapons

Sparks LRR

SPARKS LRR. (See also, RIFLE) The Sparks Long Range Rifle (LRR) is a long-bore single-shot long gun of exceptional range and with a reputation for being reliable, simple to use, powerful, robust, and accurate. During the War of the Rebellion, the Sparks LRR M74 model experienced incredible popularity thanks to these traits, and breech-loading percussion carbines of this model were used with success by the Union Army and Navy. Further to that, it was one of the earliest issued weapons to make use of cartridge ammunition. The LRR was the most common Sparks model, but its occasional designation as the 74 was incorrect, as it was actually produced in 1871.

Records, Louisiana State Asylum at Jackson
Handwritten notes
Author: Handwriting match for Philip Huff Jones

Candidates for immediate recruitment

Frank Fisher. Diagnosis: Delirium of Persecution. File notes: "lucid, but insists he is persecuted by spirits flying about his room and person, that they torment him."I suspect Mr. Fisher will be an easy recruit. However, if a demonic element has attached itself to him, I wonder whether he can be controlled. Finch.

Nellie Crown. Diagnosis: acute Religious Mania. Badly marked from small pox. Claims an Angel is in her; then it is a snake. And who is to say that she is not possessed by Angels or Snakes? I have seen leeches the size of a human head burrow into a man's skull. Much more is possible than our medical textbooks would admit. Possibly a previous initiate. Have others reacted poorly to the serum? Observation required.

Johathon Costello. He "imagines himself possessed by the voudous and is impertinent if one disbelieves him."He would not be the first to be sent to the asylum for speaking the truth. Finch

Fannie Camba. Insomniac, experiences violent rages daily at sunset. Properly directed, this rage could make of her a formidable hunter. (Infected?) With patient instruction, we will put her night-time energies to good use in the field. Finch.

Oliver Locke. Diagnosis: Religious Mania and Delirium of Persecution. Mr. Locke is "very ragged; he imagines himself persecuted by the so called voudous, who have placed snakes in his body."Such a common affliction in this city it would seem - and it is no coincidence that we see so many cases now, as the situation worsens Interview required. Finch.

Records, Louisiana State Asylum at Jackson
Handwritten notes, partial
Author: Unknown

Louisiana State Asylum at Jackson
Doctor's Memorandum - 27 June

14 asylum patients were brought to the infirmary at 4am this morning. 11 dead on arrival, 3 with extensive wounds died in the following 3 hours from internal bleeding. Cause of death: multiple gunshot wounds (rifle shot?), burns.

Patients brought to infirmary by Dr. Huff, who provided no details about what nightmare had transpired to deliver to us 14 corpses, all patients of Dr. Finch. Huff rushed back to the grounds. At the time, I assumed he was needed urgently elsewhere. However, he has continued to refuse to provide any information, telling me only to wait.

Why were the patients out of their rooms? How did they get past the night watch? Who shot them and why? Was Dr. Huff involved? These questions press upon me. This incident must be investigated, as it represents a failure of great magnitude on the part of our staff. I intend to report the matter to the police tomorrow should no further information be forthcoming

The patients in question are listed below, along with a description of their injuries.