The Book of Weapons

Bornheim No. 3

BORNHEIM NO. 3. (See also, SEMI-AUTOMATIC PISTOLS) The futuristic-looking Bornheim No. 3 was one of the first semi-automatic pistols, featuring a five-round magazine. Named for a village incorporated into the city of its design, the No. 3 only ever achieved limited commercial success as an armament. Its designer, Louis Schmeisser, would go on to design many other more successful and innovative firearms. As the number designates, this was the third model, which was designed to compensate for certain shortcomings realized at Swiss, German, and Belgian military trials. This featured a sturdier design and stouter barrel, as well as an enhanced magazine which could be fed by stripper-clip

Correspondence, Philip Huff Jones
Typewritten, original

February 13, 1895

Venerable Son,

I must advise you against taking up arms. Let the others do that work. Your place is among those who plan, who organize. Sheriff Hardin is of our cause; maintaining his friendship is of paramount importance. He's well connected, and a good friend of the governor, whose support we also require. Do not squander this opportunity by giving in to your violent passions. Your disposition has led to nothing but trouble and will continue to do so if you give it free reign.

As for the staff member of whom you spoke in your last letter - do not be so quick to judge. Coward some may be, yet cowards too, play their part. I think, perhaps, the bravest among us are those cowards who compel themselves to act in spite of their fear. Take help where it is offered; never underestimate the offer of a life.

But now to practical matters. R. has spoken to me of another potential contact. A certain VC, already sympathetic to our cause, is in a position to, should the relationship be handled correctly, supply an assortment of firearms. Please write to him at your earliest convenience. I have included his address, though no post will get through quickly in this storm.

Your Father

Correspondence, Philip Huff Jones
Typewritten, original

May 2, 1895
Esteemed Colleagues,

1 take this opportunity to inform you that we will be temporarily adding a new member to the Asylum staff. Dr. Elwood Finch, an expert in many psychological conditions and treatments, will be joining us for the period of six months in order to treat 14 individually selected patients. With many years experience and a record of near- miraculous rehabilitations of patients suffering from Chronic Mania, Delusions of Persecution, Hallucinations, and Religious Mania, Dr. Finch will take on some of our most difficult cases during his stay here.

Dr. Finch will be joining us in Jackson at the end of the month. His charges will be moved into Building C and removed from all other treatment programs. Below you will find a list of those Dr. Finch has chosen to participate, based on our patient files. Those hands needed to move these patients into their new quarters will be informed in the coming weeks. Enclosed you will find your invitation to his welcome dinner on the night of his arrival in Jackson.

In service,

Dr. Philip Huff Jones
Superintendent, Louisiana Asylum at Jackson