The Book of Weapons

Scottfield Model 3 Swift

SCOTTFIELD MODEL 3 SWIFT. (See also, SCOTTFIELD MODEL 3) The Scottfield Model 3 Swift is in effect a regular Scottfield Model 3 that takes advantage of a simple device with a great benefit. Said device, circular in form, can hold six rounds that can be released together once inserted into the exposed and fully emptied cylinder. This allows the wielder to spend less time and effort when reloading the gun even in quick succession.

Interview with George P. Tolsten.
Interviewer: Wayne Hardin
July 5, 1895

Hardin: Please state your full name and occupation for the record.

Tolsten: George Peter Tolsten, ranch hand.

Hardin: Thank you. Now, you told me you had information on the shootout that took place in Lower DeSalle last week, is that true?

Tolsten: Yessir, I was down by the Saloon when it happened.

Hardin: And why were you involved in the shootout?

Tolsten: Well, I just followed the boss, sir, the ranch owner, I swear. Told us we'd get double wage if we'd follow him. He'd been on edge since the murder near the Saloon, you know, after what happened to that Glover feller. Said they was looking for him too.

Hardin: Who did he think was looking for him?

Tolsten: I ain't sure, sir. Mayhaps one of them DeSalle boys, I reckoned. I'd heard they had a bone to pick with the boss, but... I don't know nothin' about that

Hardin: It doesn't matter, you're not here to tell me about your boss or his business

Tolsten: Yessir, the shooting. Was a real butchery, bullets flew like mosquitos in the bayous. In a minute, three of our men was lying dead on the dirt, them boys looked like strainers with all the bullet holes. I didn't move a limb, was scared; there's mouths I need to feed, sir, and I ain't got no reason to bite the dust soon, no I don't

Hardin: How many were they? How many men did you fight that day?

Tolsten: Yessir I did, one of'em was the whore the folks've been talkin bout, who gone missing not long ago. And the other... Lord, the other was a scary looking lady, seemed madder than a wet hen behind the veil she was wearing. When the boys were dead, the whore dragged the boss away, while the other approached the bodies holding a dark knife in her hand. She stabbed em in the eyes and carved something on their foreheads, whispering, then she licked the blade clean.