The Book of Weapons

Scottfield Model 3 Brawler

SCOTTFIELD MODEL 3 BRAWLER. (See also, SCOTTFIELD MODEL 3) The Scottfield Model 3 Brawler modification is essentially a knuckleduster welded onto the revolver grip, serving as a hand guard, and enabling the pistol to be used extremely effectively in close combat. Should the owner find themselves in a position in which firing a shot is no longer viable, then the knuckledusters serve to effectively concentrate the force of a punch. The shortened barrel of this Scottfield variation allows for better handling of the gun during a hand-to-hand fight but causes the weapon to lose accuracy for this purpose.

Journal of Lulu Bassett
Brown leather with gold filigree 5" x 7"
Date Unknown

I'm no stranger to disappointing men, but lately they've been showing up in droves. The saloons been full of the truly vulgar type, and few of them like to pay. I've had to pull out my gun on a few bastards to get whatever's left in their wallet. This job was never easy, but I liked it well enough. With the new Johns in town, I'm not sure it's worth it anymore.

But there are always treasures among the trash. For every man I've had to deal with, I've met beautiful and powerful women. One has caught my eye. Never stepped foot into the Saloon, just stands outside and watches. I tried speaking to her once but all she did was stare at me like a fox about to eat a rabbit. God, I'd let her. From then on whenever she came, I'd catch her watching me.

Thomas Glover came into the saloon, an okay man. He got drunk enough for two and was causing a ruckus in the bar, enough to make Jacobi cut him off and kick him out. I watched him stumble into an alley and then I saw that woman follow him. Got me curious and a bit jealous, so I decided to follow too.

When I got there, I saw Thomas taking a gun to the woman's face. A Scottie with dusters made to hurt. Before he could hit her again, I got behind him and started talking soft to calm him down. It didn t work and as he pulled back to punch the woman with the Scottie, his elbow met my face. Seemed like he was about to mumble out an apology when quick as a flash she got in close and took the gun from him.

Time began to move real slow right as she landed the hit. As soon as those metal knuckles hit Thomas nose it popped right open. Right after the blood came the flesh and right after the flesh came the bone

Thomas was writhing on the ground and the woman knelt by him. She looked up at me with expectation and offered me the Scottie with the dusters. I knelt on the other side of Thomas and started beating him. When he tried to put his hands up to protect himself, she got behind him and held his arms down. We stared at each other as Thomas poor face began to crunch and squish under my fist. I couldn't hear it over my pounding heart