The Book of Weapons

Dolch 96 Claw

DOLCH 96 CLAW. (See also, GERMAN FIREARMS, PISTOL) The Dolch 96 Claw exhibits the power of the original Dolch 96, with the addition of a knife blade to the handle. The geometric engineering of the pistol is certainly not a feature that the German manufacturer would have approved of, but those who survived an unexpected stabbing from the pistol s handle swear by its effectiveness

Journal of Daisy Duch
Very worn, brown leather 4.25" x 8.25"

1 relic
1 bowl
cups salt water
2 heir's fingers
1 willing heart

June 2nd, 1895

I stowed away on a boat because a ripped advertisement in the gutter promised me homes for the homeless. Nobody mentioned that my home would end up being in a shack without a roof or a garden. Should have known by then not to dream. And when I birthed my Julie, the spawn of that accursed sailor, even my dreams of having dreams were dissolved.

But I am rekindled.

It has been a rotten life, and it was the world which rotted me. But now I see the world decay, all the horrors it rained on my head dropping off my back and taking root. I still do not dream I can t dream anymore but I can't sleep either. I am awake every night, as my thudding heart will not rest until the rot overruns the world. My dormant pact has shown me how to tend its roots.

Julie will not understand. Her dreams are still alive, and she believes mine can still return if I am pious enough if I become a righteous defender of the marshes like her. I mourn that only the pain I have befriended will show her the way. But I did my duty as a mother and now I do my duty as a vessel

My mind strains more than what is common here. It will not let me take these truths to sleep, but my heart needs to know they will not be found. These pages will rot with my body, and I will enjoy the freedom.