The Book of Weapons

LeMat Mark II UpperMat

LEMAT MARK II UPPERMAT (See also, REVOLVERS, UNIQUE WEAPONS) Based on the design of the LeMat Mark II revolver, the UpperMat has been modified to feature greater bullet power. The original LeMat Mark II has been expensively overhauled to fire long ammunition while being weighted down to negate recoil. That expense makes this a rare modification, but a powerful one.

Journal of Micah Mitchell
Handwritten, paper-bound, 5" x 7"

May 4, 1893

Cousin Jonah won't stop flappin' his trap about this Bayou Boogeyman down in Louisiana. Says that countless have disappeared without a trace, but someone is out there coverin' it all up. Says that there's a rumor goin' around that whoever finds this boogeyman and kills it will be paid. Based on what little Jonah heard, sounds like it's probably a bear gone off its rocker. I've killed plenty of bears in my time. Thinking of bringing my UpperMat to Louisiana and show them how it's done.

May 8, 1893

Finally here. The journey was rougher than expected. Made a point to steer clear of any sort of town. There's a sickness spreadin' around the state, and I'll be goddamned if I catch it in the name of bragging rights. The further I get into the swamps, the stranger things get. There are sounds in the night that defy anything I've ever heard, human or animal. Last night, I came across a strange skeleton. Human. Looked like it once belonged to a lady with severe spinal deformities.

May 10,1893

Jonah, you numb-skulled son of a bitch. I should have never come here. The dead walk the earth as though Hell is full, just like the preacher used to promise at church. I'm currently on my way back, Bayou Boogeyman be damned. Just have to make it through this last area in Lawson Delta before I'll be home free. There are men around here who shoot each other to shit, hardly blinking at the monsters that stumble around them, like they're in a world of their own. I've been hiding and sneaking since yesterday morning. I'm tired and scared.

May 12, 1893

I found the Bayou Boogeyman by accident. Weren't no bear. Not even close. It was some ungodly atrocity that sent a river of beetles to cover me from head to toe, crawling over my face, forcing themselves down my throat while I garbled out a scream. It moved with the shadows and slashed my flesh open with its impossible blades. In a last moment of desperation, I shot my UpperMat blindly. The bullet penetrated the wall and landed squarely in the thing's head, pissing it right off. Others rushed in to help, then. Those Hunter folk. They told me that if I wanted my share of the reward money, I'd have to take an oath, and an injection.

You can imagine where I told them to shove their reward.

I should be home by the end of the week. Lost my UpperMat in the squabble and don't care one bit. I won't be shooting anything for fun anytime soon.