The Book of Weapons

LeMat Mark II Carbine

LEMAT MARK II CARBINE. (See also, REVOLVERS, UNIQUE WEAPONS) As the LeMat Mark II's infamy grew, other versions of the same weapon started emerging around the US, featuring various attachments or modifications. Though the extra barrel, for one shotgun shell, made the LeMat Mark II a highly effective revolver in close quarters, its heavy frame made it difficult to aim. To compensate for this disadvantage, a rifle stock was attached to the handle for increased accuracy and smoother handling. In addition, the extended barrel increases the overall power of the revolver and reduces the spread of the shotgun shell.

Pages Recovered from the Journal of Sister Sophie-Angeline
Found in the Ursuline Convent, New Orleans
Blood stained, handwritten, mostly indecipherable

July 1,1895

Praise the Lord! A Bishop will honor us with his presence in a few days. Mother Laverne asked me to skip all my duties to tend to his chamber. She also insisted we make acquaintance as he is renowned for his wisdom in ailments of the soul. May I find redemption at last? No matter. I should not occupy my mind with such expectations, for now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation. Amen.

July 5, 1895

The Bishop finally arrived.
We gathered in the chapel shortly after his arrival. Mother Laverne was in the front row and filled with amazement and admiration. But when I saw him, my hopes died. This man carries no hope of redemption.

I remember him from the brothel. His cold blue eyes. His small, impish hands. The unnaturally orange face, framed by sickly blonde hair. My stomach churned in disgust when he said if we did not obey the Lord and follow his commandments to the letter the fruit of our womb would be cursed! That Devil, he dared taint God's words with his hypocrite's tongue! He is no Bishop. He is no holier than the Devil himself. I must leave before he recognizes me. Lord, grant me strength!

July 6,1895

A terrible omen, or perhaps a revelation.

Sisters discovered a body impaled on the main gate this morning. It was the ranch owner who disappeared after the DeSalle shootout. May God have mercy upon his soul. It was a terrible sight to witness: Two marigolds were sitting in his empty eye sockets, and devilish symbols had been carved on his forehead. But what chilled us to the core was something else. When they took the body down, we saw his bare chest covered with deep incisions, all forming an inverted cross still dripping blood

The lawmen arrived shortly after to inspect the body. They contemplated if we needed protection, but Mother Laverne dismissed them, saying the Lord would protect us. But then, strangest thing happened when I returned to my room: A woman greeted me with crazed eyes, full of excitement and expectation. Before I could say a word, someone else covered my mouth from behind. A sudden pain, a rush of ecstasy, and my heart started racing as the other woman looked me in the eye. "Come find us, she whispered, if it's redemption you seek. She leaned on the bed and left a letter and a revolver with two barrels, and a stock attached to its handle. Then, the woman behind me loosened her hand. I turned yet could not see her face hidden behind a veil. They started towards the door together, looking at each other, and left. God knows how long I stood still staring at the door, but I came to my senses when a sister opened it in panic. The Bishop had gone missing