The Book of Weapons

Bornheim No. 3 Silencer

BORNHEIM NO. 3 SILENCER (See also, BORNHEIM NO. 3) In hopes of courting lost military contracts, this silencer modification was first developed to combat complaints that the Bornheim No. 3's large magazine encouraged wasting ammunition. Suppressed gunshot sounds did incentivize more precise aiming due to the slightly reduced bullet power, but they also allowed wielders to fire without betraying their position thus making them even more wasteful with their ammunition.

Correspondence, P. Jones
Typewritten, carbon copy

August 9, 1895
Please remember that your reputation is your livelihood. If you would like your paltry enterprise to last much longer than Caldwell , you must do better. I trust you are correct when you say some will appreciate the addition of a silencer, but we are your true clientele, and you were very aware of our demands when you wasted our time.

One of two things is about to happen. Indulge me as I explain.

The first and finest of your options begins with an apology, directly in response to this letter. It continues with the shipment of weapons you agreed upon (delivered three days early) and ends with a commitment to supply us with as many of your resources as we require--in writing

If you reject this option and defy our will, then your name will be dirt. You shall dwindle as a company until all your remaining customers are filth-desperate for weapons at the desperately low prices you will be selling. I and my friends have toppled far greater commercial enterprises than yours, and you would do well to consider your response carefully.

If you fail to reply, then expect myself and a small army at your doorstep within the month. And we shall not be so polite!

P. Jones