The Book of Weapons

Sparks LRR Silencer

SPARKS LRR SILENCER. (See also, SPARKS LRR) The Sparks LRR Silencer offers the sharpshooter convinced of subterfuge the ideal armament. The boom of shot and flash of muzzle are often recounted as the key giveaways to a sniper's position on the battlefield, which when identified are particularly vulnerable: while well camouflaged, the leafy bower as that which is favored as hide and vantage point offers little in the way of fortification under a barrage of targeted rifle fire. The fitting of a silencer, designed to effectively eliminate the flash and crack of firing, offers a sharpshooter some peace of mind, and the chance of getting of more shots before having to re-position.

Unpublished manuscript, "Bad As They Seem
Author: Hayden Collins
Bleached paper, typewritten, 8.5x11 in

Voices spoke to each of them. Through the snakes. Through the cards. And through metal. Fin. Jos. Lynch. Three Hunters, three voices, and an uncountable trail of corpses behind them, leading up to this moment.

They stood in a circle, as was custom for such things, three points of a sacred triangle. They had stood in this sacred formation before, in friendship. Now they stood poised for attack.

Lynch knelt slowly, hands grubbing into the damp bayou soil, blackened fingernails breaking as they met stone, then metal, then flesh. She kept her eyes on the twins as her hands slowly, painfully, became the large claws of a bird. The claws scraped deeper, searching, digging. They met purchase, then, and pulled from the earth a man, held in her clutches like a doll, and seemingly dead.

She held the small man in her craven claws, muttering, and he opened his eyes and screamed in pain as his body slowly began to change. As his hands transformed into talons, Lynch regained her own hands. Feathers sprouted violently from his neck, as a beak forced its way through the skin of his lips, the only evidence that he had once been a man the blood smeared across them.

The bird screamed and flung itself into the air, letting gravity return it to its prey, claws outstretched and reaching for Jos' throat.

But as the bird descended, the ground between the twins began to shake and rupture as from its depths the thick muscled length of a giant snake flung itself into the air, intercepting the bird's murderous grasp. The two beasts crashed to the ground, snake wrapped around the bird's body, talons wrapped around the body of the snake.

Their strength was matched; however, inside the snake's gruesome bite waited a poison that would tip the balance. As the snake sunk its fangs into the bird's breast, it shrieked, shedding crimson feathers like tear drops, shrinking as it did, until it lay on the ground, a lifeless ragged little doll man once more