The Book of Weapons

Specter 1882 Compact

SPECTER 1882 COMPACT. (See also, SAWN-OFF SHOTGUNS) Following the breakdown of the United States Army contract, Merlin Specter pursued other avenues to profit from his invention. Observing the popularity of sawn-off shotguns throughout the commercial market, as well as among law enforcement in the growing cities, he worked on a compact adaption of the Specter 1882. Originally the idea of shortening the pump action was also toyed with, though in the end this proved to be unfeasible. Instead, the barrel and stock were simply shortened and removed, respectively. Following this, trials proved that the action was awkward to work without reinforcing the butt of the shotgun against the shoulder. To compensate for this, anyone issued these firearms in the field added an improvised fingertip.

Journal of William Salter
Severe water damage, reconstructed by archivist
Unlined paper, 3x5 in.

june ?

The swamp reeks. More nightmares, and a waking hell around me when my eyes are open. First noticed walking home from Trevor's. It was a smell like rotting flesh, and the people hollow sacks of meat and blood, already rotting, already rotten. I walked down the street as if among corpses. Is this how it begins? I have been in this cabin too long, out among the flies. ws

june ?
My skin crawls; my heart races. I fear to open the door or near the window. I was woken by a knock at the door late last night, or so I believe. I am ashamed to admit that I cowered beside my cot, praying only that the intruder would depart. The knocking grew louder, and I resolved to get my revolver, which I had left on the small table near both door and window. Fearing that any sign of my presence would attract further unwanted attentions, I stayed low to the ground, crawling across the wooden floorboards. As I reached the table, the knocking stopped. So suddenly it stopped! The silence was immediate. I heard no footsteps on the veranda and could find no proof that anyone, or anything, had neared the cabin. The forest was still. I begin, not for the first time, to wonder if the doctors were correct in their assessment of the state of my mind. ws