The Book of Weapons

Bornheim No. 3 Match

BORNHEIM NO. 3 MATCH. (See also, BORNHEIM NO. 3, FIELD MODIFICATIONS) The Bornheim No. 3 proved capable over medium distances, this common high-precision modification was intended to capitalize on this. As can be expected, the stock gives better stability, while retaining a light weight and ease of mobility. The sights are enhanced to give clearer visibility. Unlike other semi-automatic pistols, the carriage return on the Bornheim does not operate vertically, giving better visibility between shots.

Clipping from the New Orleans True Crescent
Author: Unknown
Newsprint, 4 x 8in.

PHILIP HUFF JONES Jackson, Louisiana. Phillip Huff Jones was found murdered in his office last night Circumstances are currently treated as suspicious. The speculation surrounding the controversies of this medical practitioner will not have escaped the attention of our reader.

Two conflicting accounts, by way of a nurse and a doctor in the employ of the asylum, who to protect their identity remain nameless, have come to the premises of this newspaper. The nurse, having been alone on duty in the East Wing at the time of the murder, had found herself at a loose end. As the reader will remember, many of the patients were in a recent calamity relieved of their residency of the asylum, and their lives. Thus, her duties predisposed her to a good view of the office, where she said she saw Huff Jones discussing matters with two women around the time of murder. Some time after, she saw the light extinguished, and assumed he had turned in for the night unusually early. The doctor's account disagrees wholeheartedly on this matter. Occupying the office down the hall, afforded with a good view of Huff Jones comings and goings, the doctor noted no one coming or leaving his room that night. He reported hearing one gunshot, and swiftly entered the office upon hearing a heavy thud. There, he noted the room absent, but for the deceased, and a window pane smashed. Rushing into the grounds, he tells us he found a homemade marksman's semi-automatic pistol discarded on the lawn, which he promptly turned into the sheriff. A similar pistol was used earlier this year in the inconclusive alleged assassination of historian Charles Gayarr .

Huff Jones was born November 8, 1855 near Jackson, La. Having studied medicine at Tulane University, Mr. Jones was appointed Assistant Superintendent to his father, John Welch Jones, at the Louisiana Asylum at Jackson in 1882, where he served for six years before replacing his father as Super indent at the same institution He is survived by his wife and four children. It is not known, at this moment, who will succeed him at the asylum.