The Book of Weapons

Dolch 96 Precision

DOLCH 96 PRECISION. (See also, GERMAN FIREARMS, PISTOL) The Dolch 96 Precision exhibits the power of the original Dolch 96, with the addition of a wooden shoulder stock for increased stability and accuracy. The stock also doubles as a holster and carrying case, a dual functionality that earned the clip-loading, semi-automatic firearm the name "box cannon."The box magazine is reloaded by sliding a row of cartridges into the magazine from a slot on the top of the bar. Recommended when quick, powerful fire is required.

Journal of William Salter
Severe water damage, reconstructed by archivist
Unlined paper, 3x5 in.

I am a surgeon now. Pappy would be so proud. Following in the family line.

No proper tools. The sharpest knife in the cabin is the blade fastened to the talon with cutting wire. I pushed the sharp point into her flesh just above the wound where I shot her, and she was unconscious, but she moaned. Slicing the flesh was easy enough. I have experience gutting squirrel and deer. But a bayonet is no bone saw. I was forced to strike at it with force, many times, until it shattered. The screams that followed hurt my ears. When I finally severed the leg and cauterized the wound, I stood silently on the porch, gripping the cold limb in my hand, the slow realization dawning on me that I had not eaten meat in some time

I feel strong now. Nourished. I have learned so much today.