The Book of Weapons

Specter 1882 Bayonet

SPECTER 1882 BAYONET. (See also, SPECTER 1882) Impressed with the high rate of fire enabled by this pump- action shotgun, the United States Army made a tentative order of Specter 1882s in 1884. However, this order came with several conditions. Concerned that the pump action was not properly field tested, they requested that their order was made additionally sturdy and with a bayonet attachment. Marlin Specter took offence at this, and initially refused to fulfill the order. In a letter to his factory foreman, he described the request as "ludicrous,"and stated that the Specter was already the most effective short-range firearm available. Attaching a bayonet was a completely unnecessary addition, akin to "pulling a train with a horse."Once this letter had circulated, he nevertheless chose to fulfill the order. It was rumored that his thumb had covered a zero digit on the original purchase order, and in fact the payment offered would have been more than satisfactory. Shortly after delivering all 500 shotguns, a copy of the letter made its way into the hands of the General who had signed the purchase order. This ensured no further business was offered to Specter.

Journal of William Salter
Severe water damage, reconstructed by archivist
Unlined paper, 3x5 in.

It happened again today. I awoke in the forest, with no memory of how I had come to be in that place. There were bits of fur around my mouth, blood stains down my shirt. My knife still untouched on my belt. The taste of blood was in my mouth - there was blood in my mouth- and I was both enthralled and disgusted. I licked it from my lips, first thrilled, then needing to vomit. I walked for several hours before I found the cabin. The last thing I remember is setting out for town yesterday evening, hoping to obtain credit from the butcher for some meat - though I knew my chances were grim. I look a sight - the sores fester - and with no money to speak of. I thought, perhaps, I could sell the pistol, or make a trade. I am constantly hungry, but find no fullness in the small game I catch in the forest. I do not know the day, though it must by now be July. ws