The Book of Weapons

Sparks Pistol

SPARKS PISTOL. (See also, SPARKS LRR) Essentially a Sparks LRR with a sawn-off barrel and stock removed, the Sparks Pistol is famous for delivering shots as powerful as its rifle counterpart. It makes use of the single-shot, rolling-block action that the Sparks LRR is famous for, and fires high caliber rifle cartridges. Though equally powerful and deadly over short to medium ranges, its shortened barrel makes it less effective over longer distances than the original rifle, and since there is no stock to absorb the kickback, each shot delivers a stronger recoil

Sensitive information on Pelican Island Priso
Envelope addressed to the Wichard &Cohle Detective Agency
Return address: Blank
Contents: One letter, three pieces of torn paper
Processed by the Department of Police on June 3rd, 1896
Handwritten letter, 5.5" x 8.5"

To the fine detectives of the city of New York,

The documents I entrust into your care were not acquired through legal means. I admit this free of shame, for nothing in this investigation has been just or right, and I am certain this information will be of better use in your capable hands.

I see the vultures pushing you for swift results, ready to claim your work as their public victory. I beg you to remember your duty is not to the politicians but to the victims that cannot speak for themselves and the families who will not rest without answers.

While the angry mob cares only for a name to carry the blame, bear in mind the many other names you must honor. Each life lost in this tragedy deserves justice, even if their stories can't fit into a simple narrative.

Someone looking for peace

Torn paper, handwritten, 2" x 3".

All tha time, feedin Theo like a pig for slauter. Chummin up to the poor coot til he lost his wits bout him. Boy still smeld like his mommas milk. Coulda been sumeone, coulda have a family. Instead tha bastard blew his face rite off with his fancy pistol

May he die chokin on a rusty nail.

Torn paper, handwritten, 3.5" x 3.1"

he came back alive and they shot him anyway he came back alive and they shot him anyway he came back alive and they shot him anyway he came back alive and they shot him anyway he came back alive and they shot him

_Torn paper, handwritten, 2.5" x 4" _

They gon try to put lies in my head but they cant erase what I seen. That basement took many lives but not his. That boy died right here and they cant wash his insides from the walls.

When the devil comes for the warden, he gon pay, but not for this. No, this sin belongs to Curtis Grey.