The Book of Weapons

Romero 77 Alamo

Records, Pelican Island Prison
Handwritten notes
Author: Handwriting match for Solomon Jabez

Date: August 20, 1894

Findings on inmate No. 47 "Ernst"

He is one of the younger inmates at the prison, sentenced to seven years for theft. The court case documents state that he was embezzling from his former employer and had plans to run off with his boss son when the time was right. For some reason, he chose to take on the complete burden of the trial and the sentence

Last night I walked through on observation. Most of the prisoners are broken, and many cowered away as they heard me approach. But not No. 47, it seems that he still has enough spirit left in him to fight back, he's pure defiance. Good, I was beginning to grow bored. He'll be sent to the basement tomorrow.

Date: August 21, 1894

Time is running low to meet Huff's request, so the training had to begin quickly. Some of the guards had expressed interest in making someone with attachments. Appendages. Enhancements? A man with a knife or a gun constantly at the ready for fighting. I proposed No. 47 to be part of these experiments.

Smith requested permission to sever one of the arms himself and I obliged. After giving No. 47 three doses of Laudanum, two other guards tried to strap No. 47's arm to the wall. No. 47 fought and fought, lashing and kicking. Smith couldn't get close with the saw. Then, he lost his temper. Threatened him with his new toy, a shotgun with some odd loading contraption. It did leave me impressed, how quickly it reloaded while Smith shot off the arm. Smith had talked our ears off about it. Not long after the third shot No. 47 passed out from shock, and the arm is now gone. He will be taken to the medical ward for treatment and have a mechanism attached so that we can replace the appendage.

He will get rest in his cell tonight; the training can begin in earnest tomorrow.